This is a visual novel game with four different endings. The game has very obvious guide to show which choice would get to which ending(in order to save your time).

The video shows the Ending 1 and Ending 3. This game is a little bit costing time, so if you'd like to play through it, personally I recommend the Ending 3, or the Ending 4.

I used Fungus to build this game. I drew these pictures(used some manga brush so the whole game looks like a manga), and the music is from    by ZakharValaha from Pixabay


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I really like your art style. I think the big wall of text, in the beginning, is scaring away people. Maybe try to let the player figure out the background story bit by bit or just cut it down. There are also some small typos (""a missing in "ability" for example). Lastly, I recommend not being so explicit with what the outcome of your action will be (lead to Ending 3 or Ending 4) as it breaks the immersion! Keep it up :)

Thank you for patiently playing this game and your comment! They're kind and helpful :)